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One-to-one session | Biswayoga - Wellness and Meditation Centre in South Kolkata, Rash Behari

Live healthy life

Making people live healthy life is a premium objective of Sadgurun Yogibiswa. His knowledge of traditional yoga methods can always help people stay healthy and fit. Yogibiswa offers superb yoga sessions to people who are suffering from various physical and psychological disorders and they have the readiness and willingness to get better and say goodbye to all the complications that make them live crippled life. Apart from group sessions, comprising multiple participants, Yogibiswa offers one-to-one sessions that are very special and are different to bring complete cures for all the diseases they suffer from. 

The basic reason for providing one-to-one sessions is to maintain privacy matters. People, especially those belonging to the elite class prefer maintaining privacy matters. Due to this, they prefer attending one-to-one sessions. Quite understandably, the clients get personalized care that can yield them better and shaper results. Yogibiswa listens to the bodily and other complications first and then comes up with the right set of advice that may include the right Asana, Pranayams, and Meditation. Guruji shows the participants the right methods and techniques for doing Asanas, Pranayama, Meditation, and Mudras. Every participant must understand and accept that these practices yield the right benefits only if they perform those activities with ultimate perfect. 
