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Wellness Programme | Biswayoga - Wellness and Meditation Centre in South Kolkata, Rash Behari

Woman Empowerment and Grooming

Women are the backbone of every family! Her dignity and character play a very significant role in shaping the strength of a family, a society, and, also of, the nation. The country's overall growth can never be possible if the women are not strong and dignified. Every civilized nation works extensively to guarantee gender equality to stop atrocities against women. The governments of all countries and other organizations work together to come up with powerful programs and initiatives to help women get empowered and strengthen. 

The concept of gender equality is not merely a basic human right, but it is a necessary world order that is essential for building a peaceful, sustainable, and prosperous world. Indeed, humanity can reach its peak only if initiatives in this direction get implemented with the ultimate sincerity. Though some progress has been noticed, the major portion is yet to be undertaken and accomplished. 

Yogibiswa has an idea for helping women to get strengthened from time to time so that they can play a major role in the growth of their respective families and also of the nation in the end. He runs special programs to get them skilled. Here skills play a very significant role to make them self-confident and powerful from within. It has the possibility to make the world a better place to live in.    


Social Projects

After family, society becomes the second upper circle that has numerous people living together. Healthy growth of society can be possible only when the light of growth reaches everywhere without any boundaries and restrictions. The task is challenging and that makes Yogibiswa do something to help the society grow with all possible potential. 

Yogibiswa works with a few social organizations in Kolkata and in some other parts of the country to execute social responsibilities. At present, he is working on two different social projects, namely 'Durga' and 'Shri Choroneshu Maa"  'Durga' is a dedicated project in which we work with street children. Our association brings them support to stay fit and healthy. We provide them with regular sessions and encourage them to participate in them on a regular basis. We are happy that our guidance has helped them with complete mental and physical health and well-being. 

'Shri Choroneshu Maa' is committed to acknowledging the contribution of Mothers in helping the smooth upkeeping of their children. We hold special initiatives and arrange programs to show sincere love and respect to every mother who has been working selflessly and seamlessly to nourish their children. A mother is an embodiment of love, care, and sacrifice. We acknowledge this in every program that we design for them. 



Technique of Natural Balance

Human beings are the most valuable creation of Nature and that is why living according to Nature becomes a premium responsibility of every human being. Sadguru Yogibiswa believes that Nature is the supreme power in this universe and nothing happens without its permission or willpower. in such a situation, the 'Technique of Natural Balance' can be the best thing people can follow to live their lives to attain sublimity. 

Every day, as the sun rises, a new day sets in. Live in the present moment, neither in the past nor in the future. Nature has given eyes to see. You can be indifferent only if you feel secure. The mind that can establish these three senses within itself can become eternal and unite itself with Nature.

With the blessings of the Sadguru and one’s own willpower, one can establish the complete impact of natural balance within oneself. If we can maintain the balance between body and mind, then we will be free from all possible negative impacts. In spirituality, the body is a farce but the mind is real and eternal. It has the real power that can sustain a human being in diverse conditions. There are both negative and positive aspects in the life of all of us. In the midst of all these, we can maintain a beautiful balance to make the life sublime. 

As nature caters to everyone with both negative and positive, so we need to be very alert so that we can choose what is good and reject what is evil. Here, Sri Yogi Biswa says that if you want to achieve something in life, then you have to go against that thing all the time. This means that if you want to reduce the negativity in you,  then you would need to increase the positivity within yourself.  In this way, the negative aspects would lose their impact automatically.
