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Traditional Yoga | Biswayoga - Wellness and Meditation Centre in South Kolkata, Rash Behari

The best Yoga Center near me in Kolkata, Biswayoga believes in and practices Ashtanga Yoga or the Eight Limbs of Yoga. It is also open to following traditional yoga practices as they are very effective in the treatment of multiple physical and psychological disorders that people suffer from. With traditional yoga, we mean Hatha Yoga which is taught these days at gyms and various yoga training institutions across the world. Hatha Yoga consists of three things, namely Asanas, Pranayama, and Mudra.

In the opinion of the experts, Hatha Yoga practices are good for people who are trying to start things for the first time. The Asanas are yogic workouts where maintaining the right posture is a basic requirement. Yogibiswa insists on learning the basic postures that people can achieve by following step-wise workouts. Pranayamas means breathing practices that may leave an impeccable impact on both mind and body. Practicing the Pranayamas should be done in the presence of experts as wrong practices can leave a negative impact that people cannot afford to have.

Meditation is a very significant yogic activity in which the meditators try to put their mind in ‘Switch off’ mode. Guruji Yogibiswa says, “Meditation means ‘No Mind State.’ In this state, the mind is put at rest where it does nothing but accepts things or thoughts and let them go without reacting to them. As a spiritual healer and Yoga Guru, Yogibiswa shows the techniques of effective meditation that work very well indeed. The beneficiaries are full of admiration for the guided meditation sessions that Biswayoga brings to the learners.


Asanas are postures that need to be done with extreme care and discipline. In the opinion of Guruji Yogibiswa, Asanas are not mere workouts. Instead, they are practices that everyone should do by following the steps along with focusing on breathing patterns. Various Asanas yield diverse impacts on the body and that is why doing them with accuracy can make you live a blissful life. It helps you maintain good health that can be free from disease. Asanas also motivate people to maintain the right posture, which is very important.

Guruji Yogibiswa insists on knowing about the asanas well before you actually do them. If you wish to get the right impact, then having complete knowledge can yield you the right impact that you have been looking for. It is good to know and note that people must do the asanas in the presence of a Yoga Guru or a yoga instructor so that they can practice the asanas in the perfect manner. This is the only process of obtaining the right impact on the body. To know more about Asanas and their benefits, you must prefer reaching the best Yoga Center in Gariahat in Kolkata. 



Pranayamas are the second part of Traditional Yoga or Hatha Yoga. These are primarily breathing techniques that people must do with complete attention so that they can obtain the right benefits. It's a main component of yoga that experts accept as an exercise for mental and physical wellness. The term forms with two words, ‘Prana’ and ‘Yama.’ In Sanskrit, “prana” stands for ‘life energy' and “Yama” stands for ‘control.’ So, the term ‘Pranayama’ means the solemn practice that exclusively involves breathing patterns and exercises.

Some of the important pranayamas Guruji Yogibiswa prescribes include the following:

  • Vastrika
  • Vramari
  • Nadi Sodhan
  • Ujjayi Pranayama



Mudras are an integral part of Traditional Yoga or 'Hatha Yoga.' The 'Mudras' are basic hand and finger gestures that play a very significant role in helping people get the right benefits. Guruji Yogibiswa says that various Mudras are extremely powerful as they recycle the energy level in the body. The whole process is natural as the mudras help your mind and body align with Nature and bring you the right benefits. It is good to remember that practicing the Mudras according to the right method is important as it fetches you the impact. 

Guruji Yogibiswa suggests a few mudras that are certainly very significant to upgrade the energy level in the body. 

  • Dhyan Mudra
  • Gyan Mudra 
  • Pran Mudra 
  • Vayu Mudra 
  • Varun Mudra
