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Spiritual Discourses | Biswayoga - Wellness and Meditation Centre in South Kolkata, Rash Behari

Spiritual Discourses

People often commit some mistakes with their understanding of religion and spirituality. Both are different and have nothing in common or similar. Religion makes you believe in gods and goddesses and allows you to worship them. Under the influence, followers have faith in them and practice things as preached by the gods or as it is mentioned in their holy books. On the other hand, Spirituality is the study of Nature that relates a person to the ultimate truths, or the Universal Truths.

As a spiritual guru, Yogibiswa says, "Spirituality is nowhere related to religion. Instead, it is a higher level of knowledge or understanding that people can enjoy only if they follow the Yogic lifestyle. As per Guruji, the Yogic lifestyle can take a person to the path of spirituality Guruji delivers Spiritual Discourses to his followers. Most of his discourses are very powerful as they unfold the undiscovered truth of the Nature around you. His impeccable knowledge of spiritual ideas is extremely good and they have the power to make you know and understand the secret of Nature. Guruji Yogibiswa has a unique way of delivering discourses that make people feel enchanted.

So spiritual discourses are lectures that a highly spiritual guru delivers to make feel reveal the truth of life and set them free from all worldly affairs. His discourses are powerful that make people give up expectations, reactions, perceptions, and attachments. According to Shri Yogibiswa, these are potential evils that create negativity among people and restrict them from living naturally. 
