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Breathing Techniques | Biswayoga - Wellness and Meditation Centre in South Kolkata, Rash Behari

Breathing Techniques

Breathing techniques are an integral part of Yogic Processes. The significance of these techniques has been accepted by every Yoga Guru. Also, termed as 'Pranayamas,' these practices get serious prominence in Astanga Yoga or the "Eight Limbs Of Yoga.' Guruji Yogibiswa believes that people must practice these techniques following the right methods so that they can get the right benefits. 

Breathing techniques are good as they add more to the amount of oxygen in the body. It increases the release of harmful toxins from the body and purifies it. As a result, the increased presence of oxygen in the cells and tissues makes them stronger, healthier, and sharper and allows them to perform better. Furthermore, it strengthens the body's organs and makes them function well. It builds, improves, and strengthens the immune system of the body as well. To learn the best Pranayams or breathing techniques, you must reach the best Yoga center in Rash Behari in Kolkata. 


Prominent Breathing Techniques

Pranayamas or Breathing Techniques are very important for you if you are interested to keep your mind and body from all the hazards that they accumulate in everyday life processes. Guruji Yogibiswa has extensive knowledge of all types of Pranamays and that is why he has authority over them. His guidance can make you know and understand all the necessary rules for breathing techniques. You must remember that your objectives must be to get the right advantages. 

Some of the breathing techniques Guruji Yogibiswa prescribes include: 

  • Vastrika
  • Shitali
  • Shitkari
  • Vramari
  • Ujjayi
  • Nadi Shodhan
  • Chandra Vedi
  • Surya Vedi


Benefits of Breathing Techniques!

As said, Breathing Techniques never fail to yield the right benefits if you do them properly and maintain proper rules and methods. Yogibiswa has firm faith in the strong features of various breathing techniques and that is why he unfolds the secrets for the benefits that these practices bring you. Various breathing techniques are separately good for diverse body troubles and ailments. However, the overall benefits of these practices include the following: 

  • Better immunity level of the body
  • Releases harmful toxins
  • Reduces anxiety and stress levels
  • Betters sleeping quality
  • Strengthens the digestive system
  • Very effective for cardiovascular health
  • Betters concentration level 


Learning the right breathing techniques is very important. You must try to understand what you are doing and then start practicing. The right knowledge prepares your mind and body and then you start getting the benefits. Communicating with prominent Yoga Guru in Kolkata, Yogibiswa can be a decent thing you can do.
